About Us

What happens when a long time 4-H member marries an aspiring farmer?

Well for starters, lots of big dreams and lots of farming adventures!

I (Tess) spent 10 years in the 4-H club raising animals and building various farming skills. I worked for a few years on farms and that is where I met the man of my dreams.

Matt was drawn to farms as a youngster. His parents used to drop him off on a friends farm just to follow the farmer around for the day. He starting haying in his early teens and by the time I met him he was running the equipment and going into mechanics for the purpose of being able to fix his own farm equipment one day.

We met working on a farms, got to know each other on horseback and once we were married we moved to a dairy farm near where we were living in the lower mainland. We loved getting our hands dirty and had dreams of our own. Driven by a love of farming and a desire to raise our little ones where they can run barefoot and see the stars at night, we took the plunge and moved to Prince George, BC. We quickly fell in love with the untamed spaces, down to earth people and the adventure of the north. We cannot imagine raising our family anywhere else.

It took a while but finally we found a little 40 acre farmstead to call our own. Most of it has been neglected for a long time. Our to do list is 10 years long and some days it feels like things fall apart faster than we can put them together, but we are up for the challenge.

Our vision for our farm is stay small enough to keep family and faith first, to keep our emphasis on quality over quantity and to be able to connect with and adapt ourselves to the needs of our customers.

We are currently set to receive our Organic Certification through PACS for June 1st 2015!


  1. I am hoping that next fall or the fall after we will be able to order meat from you..... I am so happy all of your dreams are coming true for you....

    1. Thanks Cindy,
      We would love a raise a pig for you one day!

  2. Hi Tess & Matt:

    Buying a whole pig wouldn't work for me right now as I've just placed my annual beef order with the local butcher. I would, however, be interested in buying a small quantity next fall. I would like to chat w/ you by email closer to the fall.


    1. Sounds great! We would love to raise a pig for you! The last few years we have had meat ready mid Nov, but I am sure we will chat before then!
