I thought we would share some pictures of our morning chore time. We savor this little window of time in the morning that we set aside just to visit with and care for our creatures. Little farm girl has suddenly hit a the magic age where her help is truly a great help. Instead of little helping hands being towed along and shepherded, her mits work right along side me and she actually is very capable. She collects all the eggs completely herself, checks waters and spreads new hay bedding in the morning. She likes to help me feed horses so I allow her to "work Tex " for his breakfast. She usually asks him to side pass in either direction and I have been impressed to see her timing improving quickly and Tex learning to take her seriously!
Lovely Tex. Note the all the shedding hair!
A surprise in his breakfast
Little Filly (actually La Thair) and friends. Everyone loves to be out in the sunshine!
Something about hay piles just attracts cats. They hide and chase each other between them. Always good entertainment!
Sometimes I do worry about these little guys. They scoot under the horses and bat at tails. The horses don't seem to mind at all, or even notice. One day I saw Marshmallow come up behind the little filly and grab her by the hind pastern. She wrapped her little cat arms right around with that fierce kitten expression. I was expecting her to fly into the nearest snowbank but little filly just looked down at her and kept chewing her hay. Maybe they have some sort of truce.
After the horses and kitties are looked after we head to the chickens.
They love to have veggie scraps and new hay bedding to scratch in.
Two ameraucanas working hard in the nesting boxes.
A Buff Orpington (or Goldie as the little people call them) supervising the fresh water delivery
With all the melting and freezing we have been getting, the snow has frozen into a very hard crust. We have been simple delighted to be able to walk and play away from our thoroughly traveled winter paths! Just seeing our buildings and landscapes from different angles has been new and refreshing! We have been exploring snowmobile tracks and following animal tracks all over the property. Lots of new games and adventures have ensued!
Along the same lines, little farm boy has suddenly become adept at crawling and pulling himself up on things. I imagine he feels the same excitement and curiosity as his world suddenly opens up! It has certainly been keeping me busy!
This is a drum that I use to practice barrel racing in the summer. It has appeared in the last week.
Tracking a bird across the snow
We are seeing the spring coming and are trying to get our plans and ideas sorted out and ready to be put into practice. I am certainly discovering that my free time and energy is limited. As we are making our plans we are being pretty careful not to take on more than we can handle, which is hard when the enthusiasm is so high!
Thank you for posting. We sure enjoy them!