Monday 27 January 2014

Nearly a Farm no longer!

As you can see, we are finally feeling closer to being a real farm!

We are starting to produce some delicious farm products to sell and we feel like it is time we graduated from being a farm start-up blog to more of a real farm blog!

We have started this blog for people looking for wholesome and farm fresh products around Prince George, BC.

We know that not everyone has the time, land, or interest to raise their own fresh produce or home raised meat. Farming and raising animals is a wonderful life style, but it is also a huge undertaking and not everyone has the desire to get their hands dirty. Whether you can't stand the smell of manure or are a farmer at heart living in the city, we would love to be the source you can come to connect to the farm again.

For some, that may mean checking out this blog to see things growing and blossoming. For others it may mean bringing the little ones by to collect their own eggs from right under the chickens, or enjoying the fun of tossing apples out to the pigs. We would love to be a farm you can connect to and we encourage you to let us know what farm fresh products you are looking for. We love to get our hands dirty and your support is what keeps small, family farms alive!

There are huge benefits to local, organic veggies and grass fed meat. As we have learned more about commercial food production, and the horrible conditions animals are raised in, we felt strongly like that was something wanted no part in. We have come a long way since then and are blessed to have a piece of land of our own. What a wonderful feeling to raise our own animals and know exactly what has gone into them, and the wholesome and natural lives they have lived. I love to serve my family eggs with the rich golden egg yolks from chickens out on pasture, or enjoy the delicious and guilt free taste of thick cut bacon that is rich in vitamin D from hogs out rooting up pasture with the summer sun on their backs. It is a rich feeling to be able to feed my family authentic, real food as God intended it!

We have a passion for farming and we have been dreaming and working towards having a farm of our own for many years. We are now blessed to have a little piece of land to call our own and are wholeheartedly working to get it restored and producing what we love to eat. It is our desire to keep our farm small, diverse and with a emphasis on quality instead of quantity!

Please feel free to get to know us better by visiting the about us page or checking back regularly to have your own little virtual farm visit!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the farm & the blog. Best wishes! Chris.
