Wednesday 2 April 2014

Farmy Road Trip

This last weekend we welcomed some exciting additions to the farm!
We have had our minds on the idea of raising our own piglets for quite a while and finally everything sort of fell into place. We had been keeping our eyes open for some purebred Berkshire weaners to raise this spring. While looking we found an ad for two bred gilts (meaning they have not had piglets before) in a good location for us to see. The timing worked out for us to take a little family road trip to check them out!

I LOVE road trips, and farms, and this one turned out to be the ultimate farmy road trip. It was a lot of fun and a bit of a vacation in itself.

We left bright and early. This picture was from getting all the animals set for the day.

This was kind of a neat road trip for me. For all of 2013 Matt was working at a mine up north. We talked a bit at the time about me and the kids heading up with him for a set but with a new baby it just wasn't practical. On this trip we started on the route he would take to the mine. It was neat to see places I had heard about so many times and hear stories of the different things he had encountered along these roads.

There is nothing like a big rumbly truck and the roads unwinding before you. You never know what adventures you will find along the way.

This is my favourite part though.
We have been on many a road trip, and I always feel so right heading out into the world shoulder to shoulder with my favourite man.

Along the way we listened to some awesome podcasts called The Beginning Farmer. It was almost creepy how applicable they were to us and our farm! It was a very enjoyable and informative way to pass the time.

In Dawson Creek we stopped at a store called Peavey Mart. It was amazing! My new favourite store without a doubt! They had every sort of farming gear you could want! We ended up buying a hotline spool for rolling and unrolling hotwire and the same chicken waterer we already have, but for half the price we payed for it! We could have spent a lot more time (and probably money) but we had to roll along. If you get the chance to visit a Peavey Mart, I highly recommend it!

Our destination was North of Grand Prairie. There is an Organic farm that was getting out of pigs and had advertised some bred Berkshire gilts, which was the breed we have been wanting. They had two left, a quite nice one close to 300lbs and her smaller sister who was the runt of the litter and also has an injury to her hind leg. They are both bred and due to farrow this spring, so we won't plan to buy any weaners to raise. We will be raising their babies this summer if everything goes well!

Our farm-mobile on a break. Road trips with little people require lots of breaks.
We saw some neat wild life along the way too. Moose, coyotes, eagles, the most colourful fox I have ever seen and more deer than we could count.

The girls in the trailer

Matt, in his great handiness and ingenuity, took our piglet nursery stall and opened it up into the stall next to it so these girls have a double suite.

Big and cozy

Here they are settling in to their new home

I spent some time with them today. They are pretty skittish so far. The little one let me scratch her but I got the feeling that if she was a little more athletic she would not have allowed it. I am hoping I can get them a little bit more tame before the babies come.

I don't know if its just me, but I find their piggy faces very endearing!

Welcome pigs!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting. You always have interesting posts!
