Friday 30 May 2014

Just Pictures

I am so busy. I don't even have time to blog!
I do have lots of pictures, so I thought I would share a little bit of what we are seeing and enjoying around here.

Piglets on the move! I always say it, and I will say it again. These piglets are so much fun. They are certainly well loved little guys.

A rare picture of myself taken by Matt. We have these guys almost entirely on grass but we have been sprinkling a bit of hay for them in the morning. Charlie (with his pony metabolism) is so overweight that I only want him out on grass for the afternoon, so a bit of hay in the morning tides him over until then.

Checking out the garden! Its mostly seeded. I might be able to finish the rest today if naps work in my favour!

We did raised beds and we are hoping to mulch them quite well to keep the weeds down once our seeds are established.

Trying the Quinoa again. I am using two varieties and we hopefully have improved our soil enough that we will have a better go with it than last year.

Potatoes in. Last spring we planted 33, then harvested them, ate a bunch over the whole winter and kept the rest for seed for this spring. We ended up planting 110 last week, all fingerling potatoes. It didn't go as far as I hoped in our potato patch but that is ok because it will still hopefully be lots of potatoes!

We are attempting to use some of last years beets and carrots to get seed from. This is uncharted waters for us. Should be fun and interesting!

I stored my carrots over the winter in wood chips instead of sand. The sand was much better and kept them moist. They were quite a bit dryer than I realized so I am not expecting too much, although I was cheered to see a nice green shoot from one yesterday.

Little farm girl brought me a bouquet of flowers. I feel so blessed to raise my little ones here!

A big pig enjoying the dirt

The sun starting to go down on the farm

Hurray! Raspberry buds mean raspberry flowers, and raspberry flowers mean raspberries!

First rainbow of the summer!

Some intriguing moths which I didn't have time to look up. I was in awe of the intricacy of their delicate markings.

And little farm girl's fist full of treasures. Three Salamanders, a chicken feather and her little farm gardening gloves. Summer is awesome!


  1. Looks like you have had a wonderful spring so far!!!!

    I really hope you can get seed from your carrots and beets. If you are looking for a buyer, I had contacted Home Sweet Home a few months ago, and they do not have a local seed supplier. From what I've heard, they are amazing to work with - they've had folks drive up with a car full of locally-grown squash, and they cut a cheque for them that same day. So, if you are looking for another revenue stream.... ;) I would totally buy local seeds!!!!!! And especially if they are from you :D

    1. Thanks Mandi!
      Our turnips are flowering but I don't have much hope for the rest. The turnips were the only ones that stayed in the ground instead of going into cold storage. I guess we have more learning to do!

  2. Thank you for posting. These are so interesting!
