Wednesday 3 December 2014

Snow Pigs

There are two things that I am feeling quite thankful for today. Actually, there are many more, but two of them are on my mind at the moment, and they also pertain to this wonderful but challenging season of winter.

Firstly, we had our first cold snap.
Not an intense cold snap, but it was pretty chilly just the same. I think the coldest we saw on the farm was -29.7C, which is not unusual and was still warmer than some of our neighbours reported. I think though it was the windchill that made if feel so cold. It was cold enough though to cause skin to sting and the pigs to disappear under their hay pile. But, the best thing it did was acclimatize us (or maybe just me) to winter.
Before the cold snap I was so cold all the time, even in many layers with constant slipper wearing. I think I had forgot what actual cold felt like. That feeling when you step outside and the air refuses to enter your lungs, or you slip off a mit to open a clip on the gate and your fingers immediately freeze to the metal.  Now that I have remembered what it is truly like to be cold, the average winter temperatures are no problem! I feel like winter and I have a bit of a truce now.

The main thing I am thankful for today is our wonderful weather, which I may not have appreciated if not for our delightful and perspective-giving cold snap. Today is a deliciously sunny, throw off your mittens and play -6C. It feels amazing and we are all taking advantage of it!
Here are some pictures from around the farm.

Yesterday I was extremely spoiled when Matt gave me a Mom's morning off! I hauled Charlie down to our local indoor riding arena and got to spend a bit of very refreshing horse time.
When we are home we have been pulling them into an open space in the hay barn to play. Here is little farm girl and Tex working on their side pass.

The pigs even had some play time in the snow. We have two gilts we are hoping to breed for next spring. The close one is Popcorn, and the one behind her and leaving a face print is is Lady.

I thought Lady looked particularly elegant in this picture.

The pigs were charging about in the snow and having a great time. I always enjoy their expressions when they run. Its like their faces defy gravity for a split second.

Well, I have about 2000lbs of feed to move, so the little farmers and I are going to head out to enjoy the sunshine some more! I hope you get to soak it in as well!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting Tessa. We always enjoy these!
