Thursday 19 February 2015

More Winter

Winter is a still upon us.
I haven't posted much recently, mainly because there is not too much excitement during this time of year but also because I get pretty tired of taking snow pictures!

But anyway, here is a snowy update from the farm.

This winter has actually been really nice. We have had long stretches of warm weather and the snow is still just a fraction of the amount from previous years. Its only February and we are already getting some really spring like weather.

The pigs just love the sunshine and warm weather. They spend lots of time out rooting in the snow, which leaves them with the cleanest faces I have ever seen on a pig!

This black fellow above is the boar we borrowed. Dodge has to be one of the nicest tempered pigs I have ever met, and that is something we really value here!

Popcorn giving him some love

Here is an example of our snow level. Last year I could walk over that fence without even having to adjust my stride!

The carrots are as tasty as ever. I stored them in sand this year and they are still juicy and crisp into February. I  have lots left so we will see how far they take us!

And there are some really awesome things about winter that I am loving.

Winter is so beautiful in lots of ways! The crisp mornings with the sun coming up, frost that blankets everything into textured white, and the fresh snow that resets the whole landscape to being brand new again!

Winter can feel kind of stark and long but every now and then I find moments so rich and bright that is makes the whole winter worth it. One of my favourites is going out to feed my horses on a black night when with the sky is crowded with stars. I climb up onto my favourite horse and lie back with his rump as my pillow. With his warmth against my back, the quiet lullaby of the horses chewing hay and the crunch as they shift in the snow I can just marvel at the stars. So relaxing, and at the same time, so invigorating.

I love watching the kids learn. Little farm girl has been taking on more and more responsibility, and even little farm boy has been trying his little hand at certain tasks. The only thing that usually rushes us is the cold, so there is lots of time for little hands to practice new skills.

There is also such a gradually building excitement for spring! It started with the horses beginning to shed their winter coats. The trees around the farm suddenly being alive with chattering birds that haven't been heard around here for a long time. Today, we explored buds on the trees and teeny green shoots on the tops on the raspberry canes. Sometimes I am not sure what is better, spring time, or the great anticipation of it!


  1. Absolutely beautiful. Your "word pictures" are great, too.

  2. Love the photos Tessa! Thank you for giving us all a little update. I think you inspired me and now I have started my own little blog. Have alook and let me know what you think. Quick little reads

  3. Great commentary and great photos. Thank you for sharing. Very much appreciated!

