Thursday 9 April 2015


I am trying my best to be patient. You would think after the whole winter a couple more weeks would be no big deal!
The snow is only left in shady piles and its been barefoot weather for the last few days, but despite that I haven't fully launched into spring. Its crazy muddy here (we call this time of year the ugly time) and its still freezing hard overnight so I haven't been able to trust the greenhouse to keep my seedling safe just yet.

We had our first batch of chicks hatch and they were crazy cute! We hatched them for a friend much to the little farmers despair, but we have another incubator full and running now. I also borrowed a friends Barred Plymouth rock rooster and we are hoping to hatch some purebreds to round out our flock this summer.

One morning this week when I was doing chores I couldn't stop admiring this birch tree. The sun was making it bright white against the sky and it was just alive with robins chattering. When I came back with my camera all the birds were out in the hay field. I waited and watched and they didn't seem inclined to return. Just as I was leaving a huge wave of robins flew up into the tree. A bald eagle had flown over at just the right minute and scared them all into the trees. So I got my picture after all.

My little pepper plants. Is it weird that I am finding my seedlings really cute? Especially the little tomatoes with their tiny tomato leaves and tomatoey smell.

The cucumbers just exploded. I need to get them out of the house before they take the whole place over.

The garlic all mulched with hay. This is my first time growing garlic and I am really excited for it!

My window frames where I am planting squash beside the greenhouse. I wanted to get it out of the house because its all growing tall and leggy but we have been freezing so hard overnight. I just need to keep being patient!

The hardest part of being patient. Its got to be dry enough to ride soon! 

Little farm girl gives these ponies a lot of attention.

and they seem to really like it.

This piggy is starting to feel big and awkward. We can't wait for piglets! 

You can really see the belly when she lies down.

A popular sport around here: Cat fishing!

Little farm girl has been taking pictures. I love to look through them and see what her perspective is! Here she is taking a picture of her favourite rooster, Cola. We are saving some eggs to have chicks fathered by him in our next batch. I really can't imagine a lovelier rooster than him. I am excited to see if his babies will have his gentle relaxed attitude.