Saturday 8 February 2014

Early signs of Spring

I know its only February, but we are starting to notice some signs of spring!

It may have been -30 the last few mornings BUT I know from here out we should be seeing more and more spring like activity!

First of all, the horses are just starting to shed! Not today, be recently on warm sunny days there are some stray hairs sticking to my mits. Its a start!

The birds are returning. We can hear new twitters when we are out doing chores!

The trees are budding. I love being able to show the little ones how to look closer and see the little things. We sacrificed one bud and pulled it apart. Its amazing to see the bright green, tender leaves inside waiting for spring too.

We may be a little optimistic, but spring feels like its right around the corner! For now we will just bask in the anticipation of it as we thaw ours frozen fingers by the fire...


  1. Hmm buds...really? I hadn't noticed around our place. You have me excited now!

  2. What an interesting post. Thank you!
