Saturday 22 February 2014

Potato Blessings

Yesterday I we used the very last of our eating potatoes we had saved.
After harvesting and sorting, I had tucked them into the cold room down stairs. They were still juicy, crisp and delicious right into February.
Last night as I was washing, sorting and seasoning it got me thinking, with great nostalgia, about this last potato growing season and how blessed we were.

 I remember planning out my garden with a heart full of excitement and a hand on my belly. The excitement of delicious garden yields and also a future new farmer to join the family. The seed potatoes patiently waiting for the right time to be planted.

Then came planting them in the rich dirt. Me in an old work shirt unable to button anymore. The excitement of unseen growth and the difficulty of waiting.

Finally little sprouts popped through the dirt. The joy of new life, accompanied by the priceless feeling of tiny kicks against my hand.

As we weeded and watered we prayed for our harvest and for the little life the was soon to join our family.

And oh, the disappointment of seeing the weeds take over the potato patch as my back grew too sore to bend and weed for long periods. But still the hope of an unseen harvest under the ground.

Finally the start of crisp autumn days and our harvest! A stroller bouncing across the rough farm ground, out to the garden with us. Like a treasure hunt, digging and revealing the wealth of potatoes. Trying to keep our earth covered hands from dirtying a tiny bundle wrapped in fleecy blankets and sleeping through the excitement.

And over the the winter, the richness of making meals grown right on our farm. The hearty nourishment of ham and potato soup on a frigid night.

And finally last night.
Washing, slicing, seasoning, now with squeals and coos from a carrier on my back.

Serving my family and adding a little plate of well mashed potatoes. It seems so fitting to me that one of little farm boys first meals is one that has grown right along side him.

I am so blessed to have a full stomach, and a full heart.


  1. Great photos & thoughts - thank you. The potatos look very tasty!

    1. Thanks Uncle Chris! One day you will have to drop by for some!
