Saturday 1 March 2014

Where I belong

Me and my little people spent this last week in Vancouver. It seemed like a bit of a practical joke when our plane touched down in a slushy blizzard!
Thankfully the weather cleared up and we enjoyed some mild weather and a bit of sun on our skin while we were down there.
One beautiful afternoon me and the little ones went for a walk. There was a frosting of snow on the sidewalks and as we passed another pedestrian they remarked "It sure is rough to walk in the snow!" 
I just smiled and nodded.
It is hard to walk in the snow. But especially when it is over your thigh...

It was a very nice trip and so wonderful to see my amazing family! But I have to say, when I came home I breathed a huge sigh.

There is certainly something to be said for knowing exactly where you belong.

I love the uncluttered wild spaces.

I love that I never have to close my curtains.

I love that I never have to compete for a parking spot

I love the quiet stillness of a country night

I love the bright blue winter skies

I guess sometimes it takes going away to remember exactly where you feel at home.


  1. Thank you for the post. I hope you & the little people had a great visit with the grand parents.

    1. We did! Its was really nice to get out of the cold for a bit!
