Saturday 8 March 2014

Things are about to get ugly!

Ok, I think I am officially not jumping the gun! We have up to 12C forecasted!

The Melt has begun!

The barn is dripping under the avalanche off the side

Its so tropical feeling out there. After the rain (yes rain!) stopped this morning there was a tropical breeze blowing. After doing the chores we stayed and played outside with no mitts on(!) and I gave the horses a bit of a trim while their hooves are not hard and frozen.

And these walls along our walkway should come down

I am so excited to see some green around here, but I also remember the little transition period between winter and spring. There is a sliver of time that is so ugly most overwhelming! Last year, there was about a week during this stage where I thought we had made a huge mistake. There were huge puddles and rivers everywhere plus mud and muck, and suddenly all the broken fences and mess hiding under the snow reappears.

You can see some mess appearing already on our pathway to the barn. Every bit of manure, dirt, trampled hay or firewood debris over the last 5 months will be appearing.

Just for fun I am going to make a "Spring Watch" album on our facebook page. We can watch the melt in progress. But just remember! Its going to get ugly before its gets pretty again.

Bring it on!

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