Thursday 24 July 2014

Summer days

Summer is rolling along. We have noticed that the days are starting to get a bit shorter and the horses are starting to shed their summer coats but I am sure there is still plenty of summer left for us to enjoy!

I have not blogged for a couple weeks, partially because we were haying and after that because the little Farmers and I headed down south for a few days to attend a wedding!

It looks like we are done our haying for the year! We cut a second field right at the peak of our heat wave. Its was 34C in the shade with a breeze and we were pretty surprised how quickly it dried. We cut on a Monday morning and baled Tuesday afternoon. That seemed crazy quick and is for sure a new record for us!

When we bought our bunch of haying equipment it came with this hay elevator. We considered selling it because we don't really have a loft that we trust to hold hay. I am very glad we held onto it though! This is the first time we have actually used it and what a time and energy saver it was!

We stacked nice and high with no additional effort on our part.

Haying break: You are never too young to enjoy watching pigs in the mud!

Catching a rest on the way out to the field on a hot, haying evening.

Just before we went down south we were blessed to have 19 chicks hatch!

 So crazy cute! Welcome to the farm!

Matt got our field expansion plot disked, harrowed and seeded with Peas and Rye. We will till them in to improve our soil this fall. This is a new thing for us and we are excited so see what happens! Matt got it seeded just after the heat wave and caught the rain that followed. They are sprouting but still dryer than I would like. I was happy to wake up to rain this morning. 

Little farm girl has been doing lots of riding. Here she is practicing a Cowboy Challenge obstacle. I am so thankful to have a patient old gelding who looks after her.

Some experimenting with seed saving. Here are some turnip seeds for next year. I am getting a little seed saving crazy! Grass, clover, veggies, I want to save it all!

Little Filly on a lazy sunny day.

Here are some garden pictures. I was amazed at how much growth happened while I was away!

Quinoa starting to bloom!

Delicious lettuce! You can see the second planting coming up before the Kale.

Beautiful! But I think I will plant it differently next year. A lot of my veggies are a little too close together!

A purple carrot. They are certainly growing down there!

All my transplanted broccoli went straight to flowering. I am still waiting to see about the direct seeded plants. The flowers are delicious and sure make a salad look fancy!

The purple top turnip foliage is huge! They are covering the plants around them. Next year I will do it differently. Live and learn I guess!

Beets are getting bigger too!

I thought the pumpkins wouldn't actually need 10 feet of room. Ha ha!

Potato flowers! So beautiful!

And here are some current pictures of these little Cheepers.

So fluffy! I just want to hold them all the time!


  1. Thank you for posting. I really enjoy these. I don't know what some of the plants are, but they look neat. The haying pictures are interesting too. Thank you.

  2. Congrats on your newest hatch! Did you get a different incubator? What kind is that handsome black and white chick in the background? Our pumpkin plants are also HUGE and taking up a ton of room - I planted them at the row ends, but one insists on growing toward the peas! Also, I was thinking about you the day before your last haying post - if you need an extra set of hands, just call, text or email and I'll be happy to help :)

    1. We did buy an incubator, and we had good success with it. Our rooster was quite partial to your Buff girls so the other hens eggs mostly turned out to not be fertile. We have two chicks that I believe are americauna X and one neat little one that is dark grey stripy with a yellow face which I believe is Barred Plymouth Rock X. It looked like a baby eagle when it was fluffy. I really hoped we could get these ones as tame as the ones you gave us, but they hatched the morning that the kids and I went away for a week, so they have turned out the be pretty wild things. Next time I hope we can do a better job.
      I feel like a kick my pumpkins off their neighbouring row everyday! Are you getting pumpkins yet?
