Friday 1 August 2014

Harvest time

We had an exciting farm first this week!

We sold our very first vegetable produce!
Just like doing other farm activities for the first time, we had to bumble along and figure things out, and of course make lots of mistakes. It was still quite exciting and definitely a step in the right direction for our little farm!

We sent off bunches of baby carrots, beets and turnips to our farming friends at Hope Farm who are running a CSA farm vegetable box. They put out a box every week to their customers with shares of their farm goodness and this week some of our produce was included!

It was pretty exciting to pick the veggies we have been planting and carefully tending all summer. When everything is underground its hard to have an idea what exactly is there.We started with the turnips and quickly discovered that they were not as pretty as they had previously looked. We pulled more and more and more trying to select the best ones. It looks like the wire worms got them pretty good. We have a lot of turnips and none have turned out the be sale-able. But know we know what we are up against and have a plan for next year.
Next we pulled beets. They varied quite a bit in size depending on where they were in the row, but they looked pretty delicious to us!
And last we pulled carrots. That was really fun! They were looking really good and it was exciting to see how much was down there! Crisp and juicy, bright colours and not a bad size. We still have lots left and a whole other row still coming up. Yum!

Thankfully this was not our very first time washing and packing produce. We have been very blessed to have Garry and Wendy from Twin Meadows Organics allowing us to visit their farm and learn from their experience! We were able to get a very good idea of how things should look and how washing and labeling and transporting looks, which is invaluable to us as we learn the ropes!

We are hoping to have a farm logo for ourselves this summer but for now we needed to label our produce with our name. We ended up using a picture my Mom had taken of our hayfield at sunrise (Thanks Mum!) and putting our name across it. It looked pretty good for a quick kitchen table label.

And off our produce went! Out into the world to hopefully be enjoyed!

We also took roughly half of our lettuce and a chunk of our kale to the food bank. Despite that, the lettuce rows are filling out again and I don't want it to bolt. We are eating salads everyday but still not able to make a scratch in how much we have. Its very nice to know that our abundance can enjoyed by others and I hope it can bless whoever receives it in the same way it blesses our family.

And here are some other farm pictures from the week:

It has been hot! Here are some pigs in the shade on a summer afternoon

I call this little guy Splash because his white marking looks like it has been splashed up his face. I liked the pig snout reflected in the mud in this picture

And a delicious load of apples courtesy of Marg's apple tree in Prince George. We are so thankful for the support of this community! They support our little farm by buying our eggs and meat, encouraging us, and even sharing wind blown fruit much to the enjoyment of our piggies!

The chicks have gone out of the kitchen. They are on (and loving) ant patrol in the yard.  Little farm girl can park herself by the hutch they are in and watch them for an hour. They are pretty comical in their pursuits to catch and keep the others away from their ant.

They get so much enjoyment out of taking dust baths. Almost makes me want to try just to see what the fuss is about...

And lastly, here is a picture I snuck of little farm girl sharing a secret with Charlie. Its not always an easy life, but it sure is a good life.


  1. Thank you. These photos and stories are so interesting. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Beautiful carrots!!!!!! And what stunning lettuce too!! Looks like your garden patch has been very successful :) And kudos for taking extra to the food bank!!

    1. Thanks Mandi, We are getting quite the abundance this year!
