Monday 25 August 2014


We have had two sets of visitors on the farm in the last two weeks, and of course we put them right to work!

There is a term they use on Organic farms for people who stay and work for their accommodations. Wwoofers, which stands for Willing Workers On Organic Farms.

I think some of our guests may need a little vacation to recover from their time here!

Our first wwoofers were my family.
They came up to share the celebration of little farm boy's first birthday. It was a wonderful time of visiting, eating farm food and of course putting our guests to work!

We were able to eat most of our meals just from farm food.

Matt and my Dad pulled out the greenhouse and did the preliminary planning.

We also all went to the BCNE together. It was a lot of fun, but Matt's favourite part was finding this farm sign!

A few days after my Parents and Sister left the farm, Matt's parents came and also brought along Matt's cousin all the way from Manitoba. They stayed for a whole week and together we got a ton of work accomplished!

Its not quite finished but I am sure you can get an idea of what we are hoping to have built before winter.

After much planning, they laid everything out and drilled holes.

Then they showed off their juggling skills and put down sauna tubes.


The pigs watched from their jungle

Then they made concrete and cemented in the foundation poles.

Then they made a weight bearing center wall to help with our crazy snow load

Little farm girl drilled the final post.

Us girls, beside cooking up lots of farm food, completely reorganized the tackroom and also revamped the raspberry patch.

The tackroom was a big job! I wish I had a before picture because you couldn't even walk through it! It looks amazing now!

We had a little extra concrete after setting the posts for the greenhouse so we made a step for the door of the tack room.

The raspberries crop this year was very dismal. They needed a lot of work! Matt and I had drilled posts to expand the rows but they needed some serious weeding and thinning.

Matt's Mom and I spent a lot of time working on them. It felt like crawling through a jungle but slowly, bit by bit and cane by cane, we were able to regain some order!

We also took a walk around Ferguson Lake. It was just the right time to see all the tiny toads hopping everywhere!

You may have to look closely, but you can get an idea of what some of the paths looked like. Little toads everywhere!

And of course we load up our wwoofers with farm fresh veggies before they leave!

Besides those big jobs, we have been busy with the usual farm activities:

Harvesting, washing and sorting veggies to be included in Hope farms weekly CSA box share!

Its not too much work because we use child labour...

"Gorger" and I making a farm invoice

Little farm girl measuring pigs

Pigs hard at work dismantling the log pile

Brothers playing on the logs

Can you find the hog in the logs?

Rosie bedded down for a nap

Little farm girl found her first snake

She was pretty thrilled and named it Tangle

The chicks have the run of the yard during the day. They get into everything and I have to frequently shoo them out of the shop. They really liven up the yard and I think I will miss them when they join the laying flock.

One of the best parts of summer: A quick trip to the freezer and garden...

and a bit of BBQ work. I don't think we have eaten this well in our lives!

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