Saturday 30 August 2014

Change is in the air

This summer has been a joyous time on the farm, but there has been a bit of a change in the air this week and lots of reflections that come with it.

Through this whole season, right from when the snow began to melt, there has been a delicious fragrance that has hung over the farm. I could see its effects sparkling in the little farmers eyes when they got up in the morning, I could feel it filling my heart to bursting as I pulled my farm clothes on each morning. I think it was partly excitement at the unknown possibilities in store for us this summer. Maybe there was some wonder at the fresh newness of life after the stark white of winter. It could even have just been the great expectations we held for these long summer days, and this summer did not disappoint!

Now I am daily checking off little milestones that come with the end of this season. It started with a chill while doing the evening chores and farm coats coming out of hiding again. The vibrant greens of summer pasture fading to yellow golds and brushing the remains of sleek summer horse hair off the inseam of my jeans after a quick ride. With all these little signs there has been a change in the air. Its less exciting but feels right just the same. Instead of the bursting excitement, there is a new reserved anticipation of the quiet that will come with winter. Time during those long winter evenings to reflect and learn and plan. A season for everything.



In the same way as seasons change, little ones also don't stay the same. There have been little changes in little farm boy as well, an eagerness to explore, leaps and bounds in his little skills and morning naps coming later and later. And like seasons changing, little boys change too.
Today after I got him dressed to go out, I pulled out his backpack for him to ride in. While I laced my boots, he marched directly past the backpack, which he usually tries to climb into, and straight across the farmyard to the feed room where we start our routine. And just like that, another breeze of change blew in, bringing more expectation and some longing for what is behind. So it was the first day I have taken him along for morning chores, just on his own little two feet. There is excitement at seeing him explore the barn chores for the first time, his great delight to ride in the wagon, watch the water pour and just touch everything he can reach.
Just like the first frost and yellow leaves on the ground, the lonely backpack this morning was a tangible reminder that things don't stay the same for long.

It does amaze me at how in the crazy pace of summer work you can long for the forced rest that winter brings, and in the endless sleeplessness that babies bring you can be dreaming of seasons of sleep ahead. And yet as they finally come, as a mother and a farmer, I truly have a hard time leaving that stage.

So today, there is a change in the air. There is a bit of loss and acceptance but also excitement for the unknown joys that are yet to come.


  1. Beautiful post! I couldn't agree more :) And I am thrilled to watch your little farmers grow and change as well.

  2. Thank you Tess. I know Grandma & Grandpa Young were looking forward to their visit with your family. I really enjoy these posts (and the photos of the young ones). Thank you.

